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Bioactive and Multifunctional Materials Laboratory


Elisabete R. Silva – Lab’s Head


Research and development of new functional materials and innovative technologies at the forefront of research is the main goal of the Bioactive and Multifunctional Materials Laboratory (BMML). It aims to apply, exchange, and transfer its knowledge under collaborative work with research entities, universities, and the industry, to achieve potential sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions capable of promoting a healthy coexistence of mankind's needs and activities with nature.


BMML research and development activities have involved multidisciplinary teams covering the sciences of chemistry, physics, materials, chemical and materials engineering, biotechnology and microbiology, and focused in the last years on the development of new products and technologies capable of providing potential alternatives for the prevention and/or control of biofouling on surfaces, from microfouling to macrofouling, and on the remediation of emerging pollutants (e.g. waterborne pollutants ranging from pesticides to other organic pollutants - PPCPs), and which are strongly affecting the life cycle and sustainability of industrial systems, also contributing to severe side effects on ecosystems and human health.


BMML aims to contribute to these global challenges thought the R&D of innovative non-toxic approaches for the synthesis and functionalization of natural, nature-inspired, and novel synthetic organic and inorganic compounds, to provide antifouling/antimicrobial and catalytic properties when applied in simulated and real conditions for pollutants removal from fluids

Main Specific Areas of Research and Development:

  • Antifouling and antimicrobial strategies;

  • Non-leaching and non-toxic antifouling/antimicrobial mechanisms;

  • Functionalization of bioactive agents;

  • Immobilization of bioactive and/or catalytic compounds on different structural matrices (e.g. coatings, foam structures, micro and nanostructures);

  • Antifouling polymeric matrices

  • Catalytic processes for pollutants remediation (e.g. Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products as Pollutants - PPCPs)

R & D Projects


Collaborative R&D Projects

Promoting transfer and innovation by involving different R&D Institutions


Industrial Collaborative Projects

Promoting entrepreneurship and innovation involving Industrial & Research and Development Institutions 


Graduation Projects

Promoting knowledge transfer and training

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